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What You Should Do to Make a Road Accident Claim – and What You Can Expect

Road Accident Claim

You can make a claim for a road traffic accident, but your claim will greatly depend on the kind of accident you have had and whether you are the driver of a vehicle, a passenger, a pedestrian, a biker or cyclist, and so on. Your type of claim will also be influenced by the kind of injury you have incurred, whether it’s a whiplash injury, an injury from a seat belt, a fracture or broken bones, or an injury to the head – and it follows that the amount of compensation you may be able to receive will depend on the severity of your injury as well. But if you are planning to claim for a road traffic accident, what should you do? More importantly, what can you really expect with the claim and the process surrounding it? Here’s your essential guide.

When to Make Your Claim

The short answer to when you should make your claim is: as soon as you possibly can. Once the road accident has occurred and you are well enough to file the claim, then do so. Of course, it’s essential to seek the right medical help and assistance after the accident so you can have your injury treated, and you can get your diagnosis from the medical professional and use it as evidence once you file your claim. The record of your injury will be of big help in the claims process because it provides details regarding your injury and the expenses which you have incurred.

Once you are well enough, you should also seek help from a solicitor, preferably one who is an expert in personal injury and road traffic accident claims. Your solicitor can give you the proper advice on what you should do and the steps you need to take, as confirmed by the road accident claim Gloucester professionals from Shires Law. The solicitor you choose should be with you through the whole process and give you updates on your claim.

Gather as Much Information as You Can

In any personal injury case, it is critical to gather as much information and evidence as possible. If you can, take photos of the scene of the accident and the condition of the road and seek the accounts of witnesses if there are any. You should include photographs of your injury as this will help you with your claim alongside your medical records and other treatment records. Other evidence to look for would include CCTV footage of the scene as this can provide some of the best details surrounding the accident and what occurred.

Your solicitor may also advise you to go through another, perhaps more thorough medical examination so you have further records from a qualified and independent third party who will be able to confirm how severe your injuries are and how long you need to recover. These aspects are actually crucial to any claim for a road accident because it will dictate your prospective loss of income or earnings, other expenditure related to your injury or accident, and how your injury may affect your personal and working life.

If the evidence you have is strong, you may be able to get advance compensation and partial payment. The majority of claims for road accidents are usually settled outside court, especially when the evidence is irrefutable.

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